Need More Network Marketing Leads? Here You Go…

Ok… So you’ve joined a network marketing company with all the hopes and dreams of being successful but you quickly realized in order to be successful you need Network Marketing Leads.

This is the common problem that plagues the network marketing industry and most of the time your chosen company most likely lacks support in this department.

Most of the time when it comes to generating network marketing leads for your business you’re told to do things like: make a list of your friends and family, make a list of their friends and family, approach strangers in the street that look business orientated, put flyers all over town, buy leads, etc.

While these strategies have worked for many people in the past and still do to this day, it just doesn’t work for everyone and the reason is because not everyone has a large social circle or social influence for that matter.

For instance: A quiet guy with few friends and family who works at Mac Donald’s is not going to have the same success with these strategies as opposed to a successful doctor who has many clients, friends, family, etc and has more influence in his social circle.

So that basically means if the quiet guy with little to no influence and minimal social circle wants to enter into the network marketing industry he would have the odds stacked against him if he followed these generic strategies for generating network marketing leads.

This is why I believe generating network marketing leads online is a very important piece to building a successful business in this industry.

Ok so that’s all good and well, but how do you use the internet to generate leads for your business?

Here are Some Free Strategies for Generating Unlimited Network Marketing Leads

Strategy 1 –  Facebook Marketing

There is no secret that Facebook is a monster, every man and his dog is on facebook but more importantly your target prospects are hanging out there.

Here is a simple 7 step process to start generating leads with facebook:

1 – Create & login to Facebook account.

2 – Locate groups related to your niche. (I.E. Network Marketing/MLM)

3 – Add 10+ friends per day from the groups.

4 – Spend an hour a day chatting with your new friends on facebook chat.

5 – After initial chat, ask friend about Network Marketing, no pitch, just friendly chatting.

6 – Go in for the next chat, ask friend if he/she wants to see something cool. If they say yes (most of the time they do) send them to your opt in page and tell them to fill out the form. Say that the cool video, article, or whatever is on the next page.

7 – Repeat process

Strategy 2 – SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Most people hear the words search engine optimization and run for the internet hills because for some reason they are fooled into thinking that SEO is hard to do well it’s not, it’s a science just like any other form of marketing you just need to learn the formula to follow and you will see results.

So what is SEO and why should you do it to generate network marketing leads?

Well I believe that SEO is the best form of FREE marketing out there because by applying SEO to your marketing you can target a specific niche and drive an unlimited amount of highly targeted traffic for free.

So basically SEO is the process of creating a piece of content based around a specific keyword that people are searching for in the search engines, once you’ve created the content your goal is to get that piece of content on the first page of google for your target keyword.

Here is the simple 3 step SEO process:

1 – Keyword Research

You can use the google keyword tool to do some research and find out what people are typing into google which basically allows you to define your exact target market so you can create content specifically for that keyword, which brings us to step 2.

2 – Create Content

Content can be in the form of articles, videos, blog posts, other web 2.0 sites where you can upload content and make mini-sites, etc, but the important part about creating content is that it needs to be optimized for the keyword you’re targeting. Check out this post for more details about this.

When it comes to easily ranking in the search engines you need to put your content on sites that have a high page rank, page rank basically means how much authority that site has in googles eyes, the more authority the easier you will rank.

So you want to post your optimized content on sites like: Ezinearticles, Youtube, Facebook, Hubpages, Squidoo, Gather, Linkin, Weebly, etc.

3 – Build Backlinks

Once you’ve created and posted your optimized content onto a high PR site it’s time to build some back links, so what is a backlink and how does it help your rankings?

A backlink is a link on another site that is linking back to your site and the high page rank rule applies here to, the more high PR sites that you have links on that are linking back to your site the easier you will get on the first page.

Google class backlinks like “votes” the more votes you have, even better still the more high PR votes you have the higher the chance google will place your content on the first page for the keyword you’re targeting.

There you have it, 2 powerful strategies that you can implement for free and generate free Network marketing leads for your business.

The great thing about marketing online is that anyone can do it you just have to be hungry and willing to put the work in to see the results.

Unleashing Our Potential
To Our Success,
Coach Mj Samarita
Work with Me

Sick And Tired Of Warm Market Marketing?
 Here’s A Tool To Generate Your Own Leads
 Who Are Interested In What You Have To Offer
 AND Are Already SEARCHING For You!


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