Max Steingart's Recruiting Tip: "How To Use The 'Whole Pig'"

This conversation today is one of my favourites, and
 for two BIG reasons.

First, it illustrates the principle I always like to
 tell people to make the most of, and that's to "use the
 whole pig". By this, I mean, any aspect of your life
 and circumstances is acceptable to use in your
 network marketing. A lot of the stuffy types will tell
 you to be "professional", without actually saying what
 that means. But my take on it is anything I can do to
 legally, ethically and morally get a prospect to say
 "yes" when I GENUINELY believe it's in their best
 interests IS professional. Remember - getting rapport
 is the FIRST step to making the sale and inviting
 people into your reality by sharing something of
 yourself is a great way to do it.

The second thing I love about this conversation is it
 thumbs a nose at all those people who make all sorts of
 excuses why they "can't" make a success of their
 businesses. This student of mine is BLIND and doing
 very well, thank you very much.

If THAT doesn't inspire you, nothing will, Jake!

I've used "THEM" to preserve the privacy of the other
 person involved, but it's a genuine conversation I had,
 and, what's REALLY important is this so easily COULD be
 YOU talking to as many "THEMs" as you wanted!

Probably the best way to get the MOST from this
 powerful conversation is to print it out, grab a cup or
 glass of your favorite beverage and go sit somewhere
 quiet where you can follow along with the commentary
 and reference the lines in the conversation.

I promise you, it'll really be worth that little bit of
 extra trouble to go over it.


 Recruiting Tips: 6

 "How to use the 'whole pig'"


 1. You: Hello

 2. Them: Whodat!?

 3. You: I was waiting on an online friend and your
 profile caught my attention.

 4. Them: ok

 5. You: how did you come up with your screen name?

 6. Them: Where you from

 7. You: I lived in Macon Ga. I live now in a small
 town called Musella

 8. Them: Museella? Don't know where that is

 9. You: It's about 15 miles west of Macon. where do
 you scuba dive?

 10. Them: Fla, Tn, SC. Depends

 11. You: I tried it once on my honeymoon about 23
 yrs ago

 12. Them: Really, I love it. I like the Wreck dives
 more than anything

 13. You: Found it kind of hard being totally blind.
 How long have you been diving?

 14. Them: Not long, a year or so. Blind? how so

 15. You: Was in an auto accident 25 yrs ago

 16. Them: oh, literally blind! Sorry

 17. You: I love to hunt and fish. Have you ever
 tried either one?

 18. Them: fish sometimes, don't hunt though

 19. You: That's O K

 20. Them: What do you do for a living?

 21. You: It's been more of a blessing than anything.
 where are you?

 22. Them: NE of ACL

 23. You: Sorry I am a lil slow because I have to
 type and then change cursors and read.

 24. Them: No problem, let me know if my
 abbreviations are not helping

 25. You: That's O K I'm new at this IM'ing thing

 26. Them: ok

 27. You: I teach people how to work from home on
 their computers. What do you do?

 28. Them: Design Engineer. Hey, send me a link to
 your site! I've been looking for a little extra

 29. You: What do you design?

 30. Them: You name it, Machinery ( mechanical ),
 Steel Structures ( commercial ), even websites
 and software. I'm still a student even at my
 age! Do you have a home church down there?

 31. You: I know. I am always learning. Yes I go to
 tabernacle Baptist and sing in the choir

 32. Them: Cool. I go to a church in Gainesville
 called "Freechapel". We’re non denominational

 33. You: I work with several engineers. What did
 you do before?

 34. Them: I've done Retirement communities,
 colleges, Poultry equipment, residential, civil
 projects. The commercial is the colleges, I've
 also done work at Jacobi medical center in the
 Bronyx, Piedmont right here. I stay pretty busy

 35. You: Sounds like you've done it all. I was an
 industrial electrician before I lost my sight

 36. Them: No just that! My dad does that. GM. He
 retired, excuse me, he did that. lol

 37. You: I know what you mean. I type with four
 fingers and two of them need spell check lol

 38. Them: My fingers get pretty fat sometimes too!
 that's what i tell people when I mess up. I say,
 "sorry fat fingers"

 39. You: I found out they don't hire too many blind

 40. Them: Yeah, but you sound like you doing
 something pretty challenging. How do you like it
 compared to the electrical?

 41. You: that's when I learned your need to dig the
 well before you need the water. How much extra
 income do you think you would need?

 42. Them: Not much, just looking to earn a couple
 hundred a month for security Ya never know!

 43. You: I love helping people

 44. Them: Have you got a web site?

 45. You: It is real simple

 46. Them: Ok

 47. You: All you need is about one hour a day on the

 48. Them: That's doable

 49. You: And you already have the skills to do what
 I'm doing

 50. Them: I've been interested a long time, in home
 based work. I've done my design work from home
 and still do. But if you contact most of those
 sites they confuse more than help. understand?

 51. You: I sure do. can we talk on the phone?

 52. Them: They wont tell you anything until you put
 up the cash, which I understand because its
 there source income. But I can't learn enough
 about it from what they do tell. Hold on, gotta
 let the dog in

 53. You: If you know how to play baseball that's how
 simple it is to do what I do. My # is
 XXX-XXX-XXXX. Call me and I will explain

 54. Them: Ok I'm back, give me about ten minutes,
 I'll call. Thanks

 55. You: OK looking forward to hearing from you. My
 name is <> what's yours

 56. Them: <>. I'll talk to you in a bit

 57. You: OK. I will add you to my list


We begin with a simple hello on Line 1. And, short
 though it is, the cheerful response is already a good
 sign. People online are sometimes wary about being
 contacted out of the blue (which is why I teach the
 fool-proof "softly softly" approach the way I do). And
 in Lines 3 and 4 we confirm this in an easygoing,
 nonthreatening way.

In Line 5 we take a safe approach and ask about their
 screen name. I emphasize this time and time again
 because it's SO important: people LOVE to talk about
 themselves and immediately warm to you when you show an
 interest in them.

You can see instantly how in Line 6 he reciprocates and
 immediately gets "into" the conversation with you by
 asking where you're from. I know it looks "simple" and
 too easy to be important, but it IS. I can't say this
 often enough.

In Line 9 you press home the rapport by asking about
 their hobby, scuba diving. This is very smart. See,
 although you can't see just from the conversation, you
 have obviously figured out already the guy likes to
 dive, and diving is one of those sports where the
 people who do it are really "into" it. Here's a tip:
 engage someone where their interests really lie, and
 you'll have them eating out of your hands! And you can
 see how well this works by the way he opens up in Line

And in Line 13 you drop the "whole pig" into the
 conversation. But notice how you do it in a
 light-hearted almost humorous way. See, you do have to
 be careful because if you come on too strong with
 something like this, it might seem like you're after
 the "sympathy vote" and that's NOT good for ANYONE.

No, the real reasons are 1. it helps get that rapport
 going even stronger; and 2, it ALSO subtly lays the
 groundwork by hinting at how simple your opportunity

So in Lines 14 to 19 you're really strengthening the
 communication bond and even playing down your
 blindness, being somewhat dismissive if it, even.

And in Line 20, BINGO!

This is what you've been winding you for all along.
 The glorious "what do you do?" question that allows you
 to get into your business without being pushy or overt.
 Hey, it was THEIR idea to start talking about it,

Truth is, in almost any conversation -- ESPECIALLY
 between men -- the subject of "what do you do for a
 living" will come up in the first 5 minutes. And
 that's PERFECT for us -- all we have to do is make sure
 WE'RE not the ones who DO bring it up! You CAN be the
 first to mention it, of course, if the circumstances
 permit, but it's easier and more powerful if you leave
 it to them to be the first ones to raise the issue.

Between Lines 21 to 26 there's a little confusion --
 and it's unavoidable because of having to change
 cursors for writing and reading. Yet even here you turn
 it to your advantage by calling it a "blessing". This
 is a tremendously powerful positioning statement and
 gets to work at many different levels of your
 prospect's subconscious. The two main messages he gets
 from this are first you're no fool (which is important
 for him to know in the context of listening to your
 advice later on!), and also your opportunity is
 implicitly extremely profitable if it means your
 blindness is now a blessing (because the implication is
 if you were NOT blind you'd be doing a "normal" job and
 so would have missed out on this opportunity).

In Line 27 you begin to talk about what you do -- but
 ONLY in response to the direct question, of course!
 Note how you do NOT immediately jump down his throat!
 Not EVEN when he says, "Hey, send me a link to your
 site! I've been looking for a little extra income".
 Even though you'd be hard-pressed to find a more
 positive indicator of interest than this, it's vital to
 remain cool -- even seemingly "uninterested". That's
 why in Line 29 you IGNORE the question and instead ask
 even more about THEM.

Line 30 is good AND a potential atomic bomb! First
 it's great he's telling you he's "still a student".
 This means he's open minded, enjoys acquiring knowledge
 and is keen to learn new things.

However, the mention of the Church could be bad news,
 IF you don't handle it right. See -- and please, I'm
 not making a value judgement here, because faith and
 spirituality are very important in people's lives -- I
 can imagine (and have seen with my own eyes!) times
 when a seemingly innocuous remark about matters of
faith has ended up in fistfights and with people
 writing each other out of their wills!

In this case, it's best not to get too much into
 discussion about it. Here's another tip (and it's NOT
 just about saving your bacon in Network Marketing:
 avoid discussions about politics and religion like the

So you take the best and safest course and get the
 conversation back on track (not only does this make
 sense because of what I said above, but it's also the
 whole point for HAVING the conversation in the first

Up to Line 39 there's just some general chit-chat.
 Nothing wrong in this, of course, and even though
 you've got a hot prospect here, it doesn't hurt at all
 to show you're actually a human being and just "chew
 the fat". HOWEVER, do NOT lose sight of the whole
 purpose of the exercise -- to get YOU more business. So
 it's good to return to the subject in Line 40, with a
 "lucky" question from them. This is a perfect chance to
 get it back on track in Line 41. No messing about here,
 a direct question to bring them back to the topic of
 making some extra money.

In Lines 43 to 49 you qualify your opportunity. Just
 one note of caution here: you CAN oversell the
 benefits. In many cases, once the prospect is
 interested and has asked you for info (implicitly here,
 by asking for your website in Line

In Line 50, he re-conforms his interest, so you go for
 the "close" of this "sale", which is to get him on the

In Line 52, you actually get an objection -- but as
 I've said before, you should welcome them not fear
 them. Objections are natural and they give you an
 opportunity to reveal benefits your own business has to

Line 53 is poetry. Metaphor is one of the most powerful
 persuasive techniques we have at our disposal. In this
 instance, we're reframing the future experience of his
 participating in your opportunity in terms of something
 with which he will already be familiar.

And so, we conclude with Lines 54 to 57 where we set
 the appointment.

So, in closing, I'd like to reiterate the two points I
 made above, because they're SO important: first, use
 everything you've got. Marketing -- especially Network
 Marketing -- is about relationships, and the best
 relationships we have are with the people we know
 something about. So use the "whole pig".

And secondly, take this as a lesson. We've ALL got
 "reasons" not to grasp the nettle and do these things.
 Yet when we look around us and see people beating all
 the odds, people with better excuses than we'll EVER
 have to sit at home and play the victim, it should spur
 us into action!

Seize the day!

Max Steingart,
 The Master of Internet Prospecting

P.S. If you'd love you use these tips but find you
 don't have enough people to talk to, that's what I
 can help you with in EFL Boot Camp:

This conversation today is one of my favourites, and
 for two BIG reasons.

First, it illustrates the principle I always like to
 tell people to make the most of, and that's to "use the
 whole pig". By this, I mean, any aspect of your life
 and circumstances is acceptable to use in your
 network marketing. A lot of the stuffy types will tell
 you to be "professional", without actually saying what
 that means. But my take on it is anything I can do to
 legally, ethically and morally get a prospect to say
 "yes" when I GENUINELY believe it's in their best
 interests IS professional. Remember - getting rapport
 is the FIRST step to making the sale and inviting
 people into your reality by sharing something of
 yourself is a great way to do it.

The second thing I love about this conversation is it
 thumbs a nose at all those people who make all sorts of
 excuses why they "can't" make a success of their
 businesses. This student of mine is BLIND and doing
 very well, thank you very much.

If THAT doesn't inspire you, nothing will, Jake!

I've used "THEM" to preserve the privacy of the other
 person involved, but it's a genuine conversation I had,
 and, what's REALLY important is this so easily COULD be
 YOU talking to as many "THEMs" as you wanted!

Probably the best way to get the MOST from this
 powerful conversation is to print it out, grab a cup or
 glass of your favorite beverage and go sit somewhere
 quiet where you can follow along with the commentary
 and reference the lines in the conversation.

I promise you, it'll really be worth that little bit of
 extra trouble to go over it.


 Recruiting Tips: 6

 "How to use the 'whole pig'"


 1. You: Hello

 2. Them: Whodat!?

 3. You: I was waiting on an online friend and your
 profile caught my attention.

 4. Them: ok

 5. You: how did you come up with your screen name?

 6. Them: Where you from

 7. You: I lived in Macon Ga. I live now in a small
 town called Musella

 8. Them: Museella? Don't know where that is

 9. You: It's about 15 miles west of Macon. where do
 you scuba dive?

 10. Them: Fla, Tn, SC. Depends

 11. You: I tried it once on my honeymoon about 23
 yrs ago

 12. Them: Really, I love it. I like the Wreck dives
 more than anything

 13. You: Found it kind of hard being totally blind.
 How long have you been diving?

 14. Them: Not long, a year or so. Blind? how so

 15. You: Was in an auto accident 25 yrs ago

 16. Them: oh, literally blind! Sorry

 17. You: I love to hunt and fish. Have you ever
 tried either one?

 18. Them: fish sometimes, don't hunt though

 19. You: That's O K

 20. Them: What do you do for a living?

 21. You: It's been more of a blessing than anything.
 where are you?

 22. Them: NE of ACL

 23. You: Sorry I am a lil slow because I have to
 type and then change cursors and read.

 24. Them: No problem, let me know if my
 abbreviations are not helping

 25. You: That's O K I'm new at this IM'ing thing

 26. Them: ok

 27. You: I teach people how to work from home on
 their computers. What do you do?

 28. Them: Design Engineer. Hey, send me a link to
 your site! I've been looking for a little extra

 29. You: What do you design?

 30. Them: You name it, Machinery ( mechanical ),
 Steel Structures ( commercial ), even websites
 and software. I'm still a student even at my
 age! Do you have a home church down there?

 31. You: I know. I am always learning. Yes I go to
 tabernacle Baptist and sing in the choir

 32. Them: Cool. I go to a church in Gainesville
 called "Freechapel". We’re non denominational

 33. You: I work with several engineers. What did
 you do before?

 34. Them: I've done Retirement communities,
 colleges, Poultry equipment, residential, civil
 projects. The commercial is the colleges, I've
 also done work at Jacobi medical center in the
 Bronyx, Piedmont right here. I stay pretty busy

 35. You: Sounds like you've done it all. I was an
 industrial electrician before I lost my sight

 36. Them: No just that! My dad does that. GM. He
 retired, excuse me, he did that. lol

 37. You: I know what you mean. I type with four
 fingers and two of them need spell check lol

 38. Them: My fingers get pretty fat sometimes too!
 that's what i tell people when I mess up. I say,
 "sorry fat fingers"

 39. You: I found out they don't hire too many blind

 40. Them: Yeah, but you sound like you doing
 something pretty challenging. How do you like it
 compared to the electrical?

 41. You: that's when I learned your need to dig the
 well before you need the water. How much extra
 income do you think you would need?

 42. Them: Not much, just looking to earn a couple
 hundred a month for security Ya never know!

 43. You: I love helping people

 44. Them: Have you got a web site?

 45. You: It is real simple

 46. Them: Ok

 47. You: All you need is about one hour a day on the

 48. Them: That's doable

 49. You: And you already have the skills to do what
 I'm doing

 50. Them: I've been interested a long time, in home
 based work. I've done my design work from home
 and still do. But if you contact most of those
 sites they confuse more than help. understand?

 51. You: I sure do. can we talk on the phone?

 52. Them: They wont tell you anything until you put
 up the cash, which I understand because its
 there source income. But I can't learn enough
 about it from what they do tell. Hold on, gotta
 let the dog in

 53. You: If you know how to play baseball that's how
 simple it is to do what I do. My # is
 XXX-XXX-XXXX. Call me and I will explain

 54. Them: Ok I'm back, give me about ten minutes,
 I'll call. Thanks

 55. You: OK looking forward to hearing from you. My
 name is <> what's yours

 56. Them: <>. I'll talk to you in a bit

 57. You: OK. I will add you to my list


We begin with a simple hello on Line 1. And, short
 though it is, the cheerful response is already a good
 sign. People online are sometimes wary about being
 contacted out of the blue (which is why I teach the
 fool-proof "softly softly" approach the way I do). And
 in Lines 3 and 4 we confirm this in an easygoing,
 nonthreatening way.

In Line 5 we take a safe approach and ask about their
 screen name. I emphasize this time and time again
 because it's SO important: people LOVE to talk about
 themselves and immediately warm to you when you show an
 interest in them.

You can see instantly how in Line 6 he reciprocates and
 immediately gets "into" the conversation with you by
 asking where you're from. I know it looks "simple" and
 too easy to be important, but it IS. I can't say this
 often enough.

In Line 9 you press home the rapport by asking about
 their hobby, scuba diving. This is very smart. See,
 although you can't see just from the conversation, you
 have obviously figured out already the guy likes to
 dive, and diving is one of those sports where the
 people who do it are really "into" it. Here's a tip:
 engage someone where their interests really lie, and
 you'll have them eating out of your hands! And you can
 see how well this works by the way he opens up in Line

And in Line 13 you drop the "whole pig" into the
 conversation. But notice how you do it in a
 light-hearted almost humorous way. See, you do have to
 be careful because if you come on too strong with
 something like this, it might seem like you're after
 the "sympathy vote" and that's NOT good for ANYONE.

No, the real reasons are 1. it helps get that rapport
 going even stronger; and 2, it ALSO subtly lays the
 groundwork by hinting at how simple your opportunity

So in Lines 14 to 19 you're really strengthening the
 communication bond and even playing down your
 blindness, being somewhat dismissive if it, even.

And in Line 20, BINGO!

This is what you've been winding you for all along.
 The glorious "what do you do?" question that allows you
 to get into your business without being pushy or overt.
 Hey, it was THEIR idea to start talking about it,

Truth is, in almost any conversation -- ESPECIALLY
 between men -- the subject of "what do you do for a
 living" will come up in the first 5 minutes. And
 that's PERFECT for us -- all we have to do is make sure
 WE'RE not the ones who DO bring it up! You CAN be the
 first to mention it, of course, if the circumstances
 permit, but it's easier and more powerful if you leave
 it to them to be the first ones to raise the issue.

Between Lines 21 to 26 there's a little confusion --
 and it's unavoidable because of having to change
 cursors for writing and reading. Yet even here you turn
 it to your advantage by calling it a "blessing". This
 is a tremendously powerful positioning statement and
 gets to work at many different levels of your
 prospect's subconscious. The two main messages he gets
 from this are first you're no fool (which is important
 for him to know in the context of listening to your
 advice later on!), and also your opportunity is
 implicitly extremely profitable if it means your
 blindness is now a blessing (because the implication is
 if you were NOT blind you'd be doing a "normal" job and
 so would have missed out on this opportunity).

In Line 27 you begin to talk about what you do -- but
 ONLY in response to the direct question, of course!
 Note how you do NOT immediately jump down his throat!
 Not EVEN when he says, "Hey, send me a link to your
 site! I've been looking for a little extra income".
 Even though you'd be hard-pressed to find a more
 positive indicator of interest than this, it's vital to
 remain cool -- even seemingly "uninterested". That's
 why in Line 29 you IGNORE the question and instead ask
 even more about THEM.

Line 30 is good AND a potential atomic bomb! First
 it's great he's telling you he's "still a student".
 This means he's open minded, enjoys acquiring knowledge
 and is keen to learn new things.

However, the mention of the Church could be bad news,
 IF you don't handle it right. See -- and please, I'm
 not making a value judgement here, because faith and
 spirituality are very important in people's lives -- I
 can imagine (and have seen with my own eyes!) times
 when a seemingly innocuous remark about matters of
faith has ended up in fistfights and with people
 writing each other out of their wills!

In this case, it's best not to get too much into
 discussion about it. Here's another tip (and it's NOT
 just about saving your bacon in Network Marketing:
 avoid discussions about politics and religion like the

So you take the best and safest course and get the
 conversation back on track (not only does this make
 sense because of what I said above, but it's also the
 whole point for HAVING the conversation in the first

Up to Line 39 there's just some general chit-chat.
 Nothing wrong in this, of course, and even though
 you've got a hot prospect here, it doesn't hurt at all
 to show you're actually a human being and just "chew
 the fat". HOWEVER, do NOT lose sight of the whole
 purpose of the exercise -- to get YOU more business. So
 it's good to return to the subject in Line 40, with a
 "lucky" question from them. This is a perfect chance to
 get it back on track in Line 41. No messing about here,
 a direct question to bring them back to the topic of
 making some extra money.

In Lines 43 to 49 you qualify your opportunity. Just
 one note of caution here: you CAN oversell the
 benefits. In many cases, once the prospect is
 interested and has asked you for info (implicitly here,
 by asking for your website in Line

In Line 50, he re-conforms his interest, so you go for
 the "close" of this "sale", which is to get him on the

In Line 52, you actually get an objection -- but as
 I've said before, you should welcome them not fear
 them. Objections are natural and they give you an
 opportunity to reveal benefits your own business has to

Line 53 is poetry. Metaphor is one of the most powerful
 persuasive techniques we have at our disposal. In this
 instance, we're reframing the future experience of his
 participating in your opportunity in terms of something
 with which he will already be familiar.

And so, we conclude with Lines 54 to 57 where we set
 the appointment.

So, in closing, I'd like to reiterate the two points I
 made above, because they're SO important: first, use
 everything you've got. Marketing -- especially Network
 Marketing -- is about relationships, and the best
 relationships we have are with the people we know
 something about. So use the "whole pig".

And secondly, take this as a lesson. We've ALL got
 "reasons" not to grasp the nettle and do these things.
 Yet when we look around us and see people beating all
 the odds, people with better excuses than we'll EVER
 have to sit at home and play the victim, it should spur
 us into action!

Seize the day!

Max Steingart,
 The Master of Internet Prospecting

P.S. If you'd love you use these tips but find you
 don't have enough people to talk to, that's what I
 can help you with in EFL Boot Camp:

Unleashing Our Potential
To Our Success,
Coach Mj Samarita
Work with Me

Sick And Tired Of Warm Market Marketing?
 Here’s A Tool To Generate Your Own Leads
 Who Are Interested In What You Have To Offer
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