12 Biggest Mistakes in Recruiting or Sponsoring

Have ever admitted that we all mistakes when it comes to recruiting or I may sponsoring? Here are 12 biggest mistakes when it comes to sponsoring.

 #1..Do not elevate the prospect above yourself. Don't edify them above you or your upline.  Don't worry about what they think. That will interfere with recruiting them.

 #2..Do not try to convince your prospect.  You want to attract them to you and then your business.  You are looking for leaders, not needy people or warm bodies.

 #3..Amateurs talk to much.  Don't say too much when you are talking to prospects.  Give them a small amount of information, then get them to your upline for a 3-way or to an corp call or webinar.

 #4..Most new business builders tell prospects that this business is easy.  Don't, they will work. No networking business is "just add water" and your rich. Do not mislead your prospects.

 #5..Don't make them feel too comfortable or they will not work. Challenge them.  Send them to a team/corp call.

 #6..New business people don't use their upline like they should.  Your upline is a great asset to you. If your prospects have questions call your upline to answer them.  Then listen in on the conversation. 

 #7.. NEVER....NEVER....NEVER talk to your downline or team if you do not have a great, upbeat attitude.  If you are upset or need a boost in your attitude, go to your upline.  You can destroy your team if you go downline with a bad attitude.

 #8.. Never tell without them asking.  In other words,  don't give your prospect information until they ask for it first.  Then get them to your website, upline, or corp call.

 #9..Never edify your prospect.  Always edify your upline to your prospect.

 #10.. When your on a 3-way with upline do not interrupt them while they are talking to your prospect.  That is a huge No No.

 #11..Always look for leaders for your business.  You do not want to sponsor needy people.  You want people who are trainable and teachable.

 #12..Your team will do what you do.  If you don't get on calls, your team will not get on calls.  If you don't go to trainings, your team will not go to trainings.  If you don't read, your team won't read.  You must lead by example.  Always.

Unleashing Our Potential
To Our Success,
Coach Mj Samarita
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